MaaS360 Mobile Device Management for Samsung devices is the first cloud-based MDM solution that provides complete support for the Samsung MDM API.
Key features include:
> Visibility—view hardware and software inventory, network details, and security status
> Control using actions and policies—enforce passcode policies, and restrict device features and applications
> Security—Lock, locate and wipe devices, and reset passcodes
> Built-in resilience—if a user opts out, MaaS360 alerts the Administrator so that IT can take appropriate action
> Dashboards—graphical reports highlight key real-time compliance metrics as well as asset and network details
> My Watch List Alerts— point out potential problems and other key details
> Support for corporate and personal devices—users enroll themselves, and approved policies are distributed automatically
Additional features for Samsung devices include:
> Full Device & SD Card Encryption support
> Additional device restrictions including bluetooth and browser
> App Blacklisting and Mandatory Apps
> Management of native email accounts
> Management of VPN profiles
> Silent install and uninstall of Enterprise Apps
MaaS360 Mobile Device Manajemen untuk perangkat Samsung adalah yang pertama solusi MDM berbasis cloud yang menyediakan dukungan lengkap untuk Samsung MDM API.
Fitur utama meliputi:
> Visibilitas-view hardware dan persediaan perangkat lunak, rincian jaringan, dan status keamanan
> Kontrol menggunakan tindakan dan kebijakan-kebijakan menegakkan kode akses, dan membatasi fitur perangkat dan aplikasi
> Keamanan-Lock, mencari dan menghapus perangkat, dan reset passcode
> Built-in ketahanan-jika pengguna memilih keluar, MaaS360 alert Administrator sehingga TI dapat mengambil tindakan yang tepat
> Laporan Panel-grafis menyoroti metrik kepatuhan real-time utama serta rincian aset dan jaringan
> Daftar Saya Tonton Alarm-titik potensi masalah dan rincian penting lainnya
> Dukungan untuk perusahaan dan pribadi-perangkat pengguna mendaftarkan diri, dan kebijakan yang disetujui didistribusikan secara otomatis
Fitur tambahan untuk perangkat Samsung meliputi:
> Penuh Perangkat & SD Card support Enkripsi
> Pembatasan perangkat tambahan termasuk bluetooth dan Browser
> Web Apps Wajib daftar hitam dan
> Pengelolaan account email asli
> Manajemen profil VPN
> Diam menginstal dan uninstall Enterprise Apps
MaaS360 Mobile Device Management for Samsung devices is the first cloud-based MDM solution that provides complete support for the Samsung MDM API.
Key features include:
> Visibility—view hardware and software inventory, network details, and security status
> Control using actions and policies—enforce passcode policies, and restrict device features and applications
> Security—Lock, locate and wipe devices, and reset passcodes
> Built-in resilience—if a user opts out, MaaS360 alerts the Administrator so that IT can take appropriate action
> Dashboards—graphical reports highlight key real-time compliance metrics as well as asset and network details
> My Watch List Alerts— point out potential problems and other key details
> Support for corporate and personal devices—users enroll themselves, and approved policies are distributed automatically
Additional features for Samsung devices include:
> Full Device & SD Card Encryption support
> Additional device restrictions including bluetooth and browser
> App Blacklisting and Mandatory Apps
> Management of native email accounts
> Management of VPN profiles
> Silent install and uninstall of Enterprise Apps